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Run evals with the REST API

Recommended Reading

Before diving into this content, it might be helpful to read the following:

It is highly recommended to run evals with either the Python or TypeScript SDKs. The SDKs have many optimizations and features that enhance the performance and reliability of your evals. However, if you are unable to use the SDKs, either because you are using a different language or because you are running in a restricted environment, you can use the REST API directly.

This guide will show you how to run evals using the REST API, using the requests library in Python as an example. However, the same principles apply to any language.

Create a dataset

Here, we are using the python SDK for convenience. You can also use the API directly use the UI, see this guide for more information.

import openai
import os
import requests

from datetime import datetime
from langsmith import Client
from uuid import uuid4

client = Client()

# Create a dataset
examples = [
("Shut up, idiot", "Toxic"),
("You're a wonderful person", "Not toxic"),
("This is the worst thing ever", "Toxic"),
("I had a great day today", "Not toxic"),
("Nobody likes you", "Toxic"),
("This is unacceptable. I want to speak to the manager.", "Not toxic"),

dataset_name = "Toxic Queries - API Example"
dataset = client.create_dataset(dataset_name=dataset_name)
inputs, outputs = zip(
*[({"text": text}, {"label": label}) for text, label in examples]
client.create_examples(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs,

Run a single experiment

First, pull all of the examples you'd want to use in your experiment.

# Pick a dataset id. In this case, we are using the dataset we created above.
# Spec:
dataset_id =
params = { "dataset": dataset_id }

resp = requests.get(
headers={"x-api-key": os.environ["LANGSMITH_API_KEY"]}

examples = resp.json()

Next, we'll define a method that will create a run for a single example.

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "sk-..."

def run_completion_on_example(example, model_name, experiment_id):
"""Run completions on a list of examples."""
# We are using the OpenAI API here, but you can use any model you like

def _post_run(run_id, name, run_type, inputs, parent_id=None):
"""Function to post a new run to the API."""
data = {
"id": run_id.hex,
"name": name,
"run_type": run_type,
"inputs": inputs,
"start_time": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
"reference_example_id": example["id"],
"session_id": experiment_id,
if parent_id:
data["parent_run_id"] = parent_id.hex
resp =
"", # Update appropriately for self-hosted installations or the EU region

def _patch_run(run_id, outputs):
"""Function to patch a run with outputs."""
resp = requests.patch(
"outputs": outputs,
"end_time": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),

# Send your API Key in the request headers
headers = {"x-api-key": os.environ["LANGSMITH_API_KEY"]}

text = example["inputs"]["text"]

messages = [
"role": "system",
"content": "Please review the user query below and determine if it contains any form of toxic behavior, such as insults, threats, or highly negative comments. Respond with 'Toxic' if it does, and 'Not toxic' if it doesn't.",
{"role": "user", "content": text},

# Create parent run
parent_run_id = uuid4()
_post_run(parent_run_id, "LLM Pipeline", "chain", {"text": text})

# Create child run
child_run_id = uuid4()
_post_run(child_run_id, "OpenAI Call", "llm", {"messages": messages}, parent_run_id)

# Generate a completion
client = openai.Client()
chat_completion =, messages=messages)

# End runs
_patch_run(child_run_id, chat_completion.dict())
_patch_run(parent_run_id, {"label": chat_completion.choices[0].message.content})

We are going to run completions on all examples using two models: gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4o-mini.

# Create a new experiment using the /sessions endpoint
# An experiment is a collection of runs with a reference to the dataset used
# Spec:

model_names = ("gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4o-mini")
experiment_ids = []
for model_name in model_names:
resp =
"start_time": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
"reference_dataset_id": str(dataset_id),
"description": "An optional description for the experiment",
"name": f"Toxicity detection - API Example - {model_name} - {str(uuid4())[0:8]}", # A name for the experiment
"extra": {
"metadata": {"foo": "bar"}, # Optional metadata
headers={"x-api-key": os.environ["LANGSMITH_API_KEY"]}

experiment = resp.json()

# Run completions on all examples
for example in examples:
run_completion_on_example(example, model_name, experiment["id"])

# Issue a patch request to "end" the experiment by updating the end_time
json={"end_time": datetime.utcnow().isoformat()},
headers={"x-api-key": os.environ["LANGSMITH_API_KEY"]}

Run a pairwise experiment

Next, we'll demonstrate how to run a pairwise experiment. In a pairwise experiment, you compare two examples against each other. For more information, check out this guide.

# A comparative experiment allows you to provide a preferential ranking on the outputs of two or more experiments
# Spec:
resp =
"experiment_ids": experiment_ids,
"name": "Toxicity detection - API Example - Comparative - " + str(uuid4())[0:8],
"description": "An optional description for the comparative experiment",
"extra": {
"metadata": {"foo": "bar"}, # Optional metadata
"reference_dataset_id": str(dataset_id),
headers={"x-api-key": os.environ["LANGSMITH_API_KEY"]}

comparative_experiment = resp.json()
comparative_experiment_id = comparative_experiment["id"]

# You can iterate over the runs in the experiments belonging to the comparative experiment and preferentially rank the outputs

# Fetch the comparative experiment
resp = requests.get(
params={"id": comparative_experiment_id},
headers={"x-api-key": os.environ["LANGSMITH_API_KEY"]}

comparative_experiment = resp.json()[0]
experiment_ids = [info["id"] for info in comparative_experiment["experiments_info"]]

from collections import defaultdict
example_id_to_runs_map = defaultdict(list)

# Spec:
runs =
headers={"x-api-key": os.environ["LANGSMITH_API_KEY"]},
"session": experiment_ids,
"is_root": True, # Only fetch root runs (spans) which contain the end outputs
"select": ["id", "reference_example_id", "outputs"],
runs = runs["runs"]
for run in runs:
example_id = run["reference_example_id"]

for example_id, runs in example_id_to_runs_map.items():
print(f"Example ID: {example_id}")
# Preferentially rank the outputs, in this case we will always prefer the first output
# In reality, you can use an LLM to rank the outputs
feedback_group_id = uuid4()

# Post a feedback score for each run, with the first run being the preferred one
# Spec:
# We'll use the feedback group ID to associate the feedback scores with the same group
for i, run in enumerate(runs):
print(f"Run ID: {run['id']}")
feedback = {
"score": 1 if i == 0 else 0,
"run_id": str(run["id"]),
"key": "ranked_preference",
"feedback_group_id": str(feedback_group_id),
"comparative_experiment_id": comparative_experiment_id,
resp =
headers={"x-api-key": os.environ["LANGSMITH_API_KEY"]}

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